At the Rubén Darío National Theater, from the Los Cristales room, the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity announced through a press conference the forthcoming seventh edition of the Azul Darío Festival, in honor of the 134th anniversary of the publication of Azul y 155th anniversary of the birth of the prince of Castilian letters.

The event, as in previous years, will take place in the city of León, which belongs to the National Network of Creative Cities, which stands out in the literary field, thanks to the tradition of its writers and poets, as the immense representative of the poetry, Rubén Darío.

The appearance was chaired by colleagues Yaosca Calderón, co-director of the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism, Intur; Roger Gurdián, mayor of León; Javiera Pérez, representing the Nicaraguan Institute of Culture, INC, and Ramón Rodríguez, director of the theater, accompanied by the Darian muses.

During the press conference, the agenda that will be carried out during the three days was announced “inviting Nicaraguan families to join us, visit the city of León and be with us on the 29th, 30th and 31st at the Festival” .

We will celebrate with art, culture and tradition; There will be an exhibition of paintings and photographs, a parade of floats and Darian muses, an image show, dances, a panel, plays, an exhibition of photographs, statues, body paint, a school mural contest and a gastronomic and craft fair with 70 protagonists…

The Dariano Creative Circuit will have a greater highlight on Saturday, July 30, where a parade will be held through the main streets and sites of León, accompanied by the 150 Darian muses of León and Ciudad Darío and the personification of poems such as Caupolicán, A Margarita, Sonatina, Venus, among others.

On Saturday and Sunday, we will have a show of images (mapping) in honor of Rubén Darío, taking advantage of the architectural beauty of the Cathedral of León, the poem Retorno musicalizado will be projected, images of the life of Rubén Darío, of the tourist destinations of Nicaragua and others details accompanied by music according to the occasion.

(Intur Nicaragua Press Release)