32 destinations from all around the world have been named as ‘Best Tourism Villages 2022’ by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
The accolade recognizes rural destinations that are embracing tourism as a driver of development and new opportunities for jobs and income, while preserving and promoting community-based values and products. The initiative also recognizes villages for their commitment to innovation and sustainability in all its aspects – economic, social and environmental – and a focus on developing tourism in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In 2022, a total of 32 villages from 18 countries across the five world regions were awarded the recognition. The villages were evaluated by an independent Advisory Board based on a set of criteria covering nine areas:
Some of the Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO 2022:
Zell am See, Austria
Wagrain, Austria
Puqueldón, Chile
Dazhai, China
Jingzhu, China
Choachí, Colombia
Aguarico, Ecuador
Angochagua, Ecuador
Sauris-Zahre, Italy
Creel, Mexico
El Fuerte, Mexico
Raqchi, Peru
UNWTO digital page